Exercise Highlight: DEADLIFTS

I LOVE deadlifts. This exercise targets a lot of muscles including your butt, hips, quads, hamstrings, lower back, and core.  Not to mention, deadlifts will help shape your booty quite nicely.

Some people don't like deadlifts because if done improperly, they can hurt your back. However, if done properly, you will be building a lot of muscles and strengthening your core...and you'll look pretty bad ass in the process. The key is to make sure you have the form down-packed before moving to a heavier weight. My advice: start with a very light barbell (20 to 30 lbs) and slowly build up from there.

"How to deadlift: 
  1. Start by standing straight in front of a barbell with your chins close to the bar. With feet hip width-apart, bend at knees and hips to grab the bar with an overhand grip. Keep your hands outside your legs, wider than your shoulders width.
  2. Lower your hips until they are slightly above the barbell bar. Push down through you heels, contract your glutes(butt), and brace your core as you lift the barbell to your hip level. Reverse the movement by lowering the bar back to the floor. "

Still not convinced? Read this article here. ---> 55 Reasons Why the Deadlift Exercise is the Best of All Time

Hope this helps!
