Confessions of a Terrible Eater

I eat horribly. I seldom admit to it, and I put up an excellent front. But I have to confess my addiction to sweets and fried food. It's uncontrollable at times. I can't help it. And what's's all around me...all of the time.
Look at them in their delicious glory. MMMMMM...  {via}

 I am a school teacher, so when cupcakes, doughnuts, and muffins cross my path (which they do regularly) I can't help but to stare and salivate. Then that horrible, evil thought comes to mind: "Hey! You work out! You'll burn that shit off in no time." Dammit, willpower! Where are you when I need you?
I get so weak in the knees I can hardly speak. I lose all control... {via}
Going out with my friends for drinks is rough too. When the alcohol comes out, my judgement goes right out the window. My friends order the big plate of french fries (a huge weakness of mine), and I indulge way more than necessary. WAAAAY more.

Part of the reason why I began working out so many years ago is because of the fact that I love food. It wasn't until last year that I realized that the terrible things I was eating was hindering my results. I had this annoying layer of fat around my gut that wouldn't go away. How is it possible that I can do 15 pullups in one set and deadlift 155 lbs, and I still cant see my abs??!?! It was my diet.

I still eat the many things I enjoy. However, I eat in controlled increments and portions. So now when I see that lovely tray of doughnuts that one of the teachers brought it, I cut it in half, and eat only half a doughnut. When my friends order that big plate of fries, I ask for a smaller plate where I put a few fries on, and I only eat what's on my plate.

There's no need to eliminate everything you love in your life for weight loss. You only live once. Enjoy life while you have it. (Just don't go crazy)
